Back then, because the terrain was not suitable for cultivation (it was too rocky) and the region's inhabitants could not work in the fields, they were occupied mostly with the making of embroideries. This was their bread-winning occupation. They were renowned for the great embroideries of Kato Drys. One of that era's inhabitants, Michael Hadji-orthodoxou, a merchant of embroideries, had the intention of promoting his embroideries abroad. He feared though that the customs' inspectors would open the bags containing the embroideries. He prayed to Saint George and said, "Saint George, perform your miracle so that the bags will not be opened and when I return to the village I will raise a church in your name". He made it and managed to get them all through. He found himself abroad with many of his renowned "katodrytika" ("of Kato Drys") embroideries. There he came across a very wealth lady who admired both the craftsmanship and the quality of the "Kato Drys" embroideries. She bought them all. With these money the man returned to the village full of enthusiasm. Using the money from the sale of the embroideries, he raised a small church, which he dedicated to Saint George. He constructed it right at the cave that Saint George had visited. It was built with local stone in 1950. It can be found in the south side, a few meters outside the village. It is a small and simple country church, barely able to host 20 believers. Internally it is very humble, simple, and austere. The icon of Saint George is from the Renaissance era and it obviously comes from the fathers of the Stavrovouni Monastery. It is not officiated often, however many prayers for requests take place there.
During Saint George's day on the 23rd of April, a celebratory liturgy takes place with the Saint's icon being carried about in procession.